31 May 2012

New-ish Kaian things

* Says 'oops,' 'ouch,' 'toes,' among others...
* Blows on his 'hot' food (even if it's not necessarily hot anymore ;))
* 'Smells' flowers
* Pushes small coffee tables around
* Takes 1-2 steps
* Stands alone
* When he does the sign for 'please' it's actually the sign for 'cheese'...even if we show him the sign when asking him to say please!
* When he eats something really good, he kinda sucks in and smacks his tongue and lips and makes lots of yummy moaning sounds.  And when somethings especially good he calls it "nana" for his favorite food :)
* He goes to 'hide' in another room (or just around the corner) and waits, facing our direction, for us to find him.
* His fine-motor skills and manual dexterity are really quite amazing- Michael taught him how to unscrew a bottle cap, and later that day he took off (unscrewed) the lid of one of his water bottles! Aahhh!

And now for some videos (make sure you have a bit of time on your hands ;))...

This was a favorite indoor activity during our rainy-stuck-inside week...

Silly Kai...


His new favorite word ;)


We played with sock puppets one morning; Kaian wanted one and left it on was so funny!  He liked making my sock puppet eat toys...

A day at the beach :)...

Still loves clothespins...

This was in the town center in Llanca one afternoon.  The next day he picked up a drum Molly and Brian had gotten him in Jamaica and played it 'correctly' for the first time all on his own!

20 May 2012

Rain rain go away

(<--insert thunderstorm)
Grey day...
everything is grey...
I watch...
but nothing moves today...

18 May 2012

Kaian, instagramed

16 May 2012

1st official beach day

Saturday 5.12.12 was the first hot, calm, wonderful day for the beach...

Getting suited up


Wasn't too thrilled to be leaving...

But this yumminess was cooking and waiting to be eaten when we got home...

Nice view ;)

11 May 2012

A video update...

The open-air market we went to in France last Saturday...

Kaian dancing to a live band in a plaza in France...

Kaian's first time splashing in the ocean!  It was very cold, so we tried not to let him in too much, but that boy sure does love the water...

10 May 2012

Monestir de Sant Pere de Rodes

Just about a 20 minute drive from here atop a 1500 ft mountain is a monastery from the 9th century. Tom drove us up on Tuesday, 'free day,' for an unofficial tour (he loves all the Spanish history and is great at sharing it!). It was absolutely beautiful and quite mind-blowing, knowing how old it all was. There were also some gorgeous views down to the town of Port de la Selva and the Mediterranean beyond. (In case you're wondering where Kaian is in these photos, he stayed behind and had a lovely time with Jan :))

09 May 2012


Yesterday Tom graced us with the gift of his homemade hand-crafted recipe of Paella. His version includes a combination of chicken, pork, and seafood, along with the traditional rice, veggies and spices, served with lemon slices and allioli (a very popular condiment in this area of Spain).

It was, in a word, A-MA-ZING.

We have leftovers :)

(again, sorry for the mixed up order of photos)

08 May 2012

First Cortado