26 February 2008


When Michael and I first started talking about moving somewhere far away, over a year ago, I totally was NOT ready, even though the idea of it appealed to me. I just needed some more time. So when it came up again this past December, I felt a total peace and knew that this was it, time to go. So here we are, 7 days until we leave...done with my job, getting together with friends to say good bye, spending time with family trying to make as many memories as possible, taking care of all the "loose-ends"... We baby sat my niece Molly tonight for the last time (one of our favorite things to do- Molly especially adores Michael!), and as I was singing the same song I have sang to her at bedtime since she was teeny-tiny, it finally started to sink in. We are moving away. We have no idea when we'll be back. I don't know when I'll get to put Molly to bed again, or sing that special song to her in person. EVERYTHING is about to change. Change. A lot of people can't handle it. Some people can't live without it. I've always been somewhere in the middle. I know that change is hard, but I believe that change is good. I want to live a full, exciting, loving life without regrets, and for me and Michael, right now that requires change. We are so excited for the great adventure ahead of us and know that some wonderful experiences are in store. We will miss the people and places and everyday stuff that have made up our life together so far, and are so grateful for all of the support and love we have received; however, we are also looking forward to this next season of being alone, just the two of us, depending only on each other and God, and growing deeper in our love for each other. We are living our lives! Present in each moment, striving to be better and stronger! And perhaps, we might just inspire one or two people along the way to follow their dreams...


Stephani said...

Good luck on your next adventure in life. I am in a similar adventure of my and will be moving away from this place I have called my home for the past 10 years. It is a scary time but I like you am looking forward to the change and what life holds ahead in the future. Best of luck to you and your husband. I will look forward to seeing updates. Congrats on starting a blog as well. It is fun and really addicting. LOL! LOL!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Kamma, LOVE the new pictures in your sidebar. Those are great. Please know how much you'll be missed and yes, I think you will inspire many people with your journey. I'm anxious to follow along on your adventures. Love you!