23 February 2008

My First Time

Well, hello blogger world! Here I am! I have been purely a spectator until now, but after being nudged a bit by a fantastic blogging friend, I've decided to take the plunge...we'll see how well I do keeping this up :) My husband Michael and I are moving to Hawaii in about 1 1/2 weeks, and yesterday was my last day at my wonderful job, so with all the changes happening, I figured it was as good a time as any to add one more thing. I'm hoping to use this arena to keep in contact with family and friends while we are gone, and keep them all up-to-date with our lives. Good luck to me!


Dad said...

I just wanted to be the first to comment. You had better keep up the blog so we know all the fun stuff you are doing. Gonna miss you both! Love, Dad

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Yeah, Ksmma! So glad you've joined this blogging world. You are going to be SO missed but I'm excited to read all about your adventures. Love you!

Sarah said...

How exciting! Can't wait to see pictures of you in the Islands of Paradise! I have some friends on Maui who go to an amazing church, so let me know if you'd like some instant friends:). The mother and daughter are amazing musicians and each have cd's out too.
Love, Sarah

Brian said...

Keri, Molly and I will be checking in regularly to the blog. Love & miss you sooo...much!