20 April 2008

Roller Coaster of a Week!

Hey everyone!

Sorry it’s been awhile since the last post. The time has just slipped away I guess. I hope everyone is doing well and ready for a new week!

In lieu of a very long narrative of how the past week has been for us, I’ve decided to just give you some main points…

• Last Friday (April 11th) our car started overheating now and then through Sunday...had to add coolant three times in three days.
• On Sunday evening, as we were driving up the hill to go home from hanging out on the beach (:)), we totally overheated and had to have the car towed. Luckily, the tow guy gave us a ride home!
• Monday we found out from the auto place that we would at least need a new head gasket and a new radiator, among possible other things. This would cost us twice as much as we paid for the car! Ahh!!
• Michael was able to get a ride down to work Monday through Thursday with a guy he works with who lives here in Waikoloa…thank you God! A taxi ride down to the Hilton would cost about $15-20 one-way…
• Wednesday, I heard from the Hilton, and found out that I got the job!!! Yeah!!! I went down and filled out a bunch of paperwork. I also had my first drug screening test on Thursday morning for the job…interesting experience! As soon as they get the results from my background check and the drug test I’ll find out when I actually start…hopefully soon!
• The guy who gave Michael rides to work, Marion, is pretty amazing, and actually let us borrow his car on Friday to drive down to Kona and look for cars. Amazing, I know! Unfortunately, we didn’t find anything right away, and instead of making a snap decision, we decided to rent a car for a week and take our time to find the right one this time.
• We pretty much just hung out Saturday and spent time together. It was really nice and relaxed.
• Went to church this morning with Marion down in Kona where he and his family go, then Michael went off to work!
• We’re going to look at a car tomorrow afternoon, and it sounds like a really good match for us. Wish us luck!

Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job, Kamma! Hope the second car works out better than the first.

Matt & Kristen